Thursday, October 30, 2008

I Just Couldn't Help Myself

I hadn't planned to watch it. Barack Obama's half-hour tv spot was last night, and I was going to take a pass.

'Cause why, right? I was already voting for the guy. And besides, I have had it up to HERE with this election. I want it to just be over already!

And the Pheonix Suns were playing the San Antonio Spurs on ESPN. I wanted to watch that. After all, I've been anxiously awaiting the start of the NBA season since the Boston Celtics won the title last summer.

So there was really no reason to even turn it on, was there?

Then I felt a little guilty. After all, the Obama camp spent quite a bit on that spot, and $20 of that was my money dammit! So I figured I might just have a quick peek, you know, for the sake of tv ratings. Then I'd turn to the game. I find politics pretty boring anyway...usually.

There was an old poem I was forced to read in high school - something about "The best laid schemes o' mice an' men..." I should've paid closer attention.

At the 20-minute mark I found myself wondering when they were going to show a commercial so I could at least turn and check the score of the game. About 2 seconds later it occurred to me that there wouldn't be any commercials because this was, after all, one long political ad.

I had to laugh at myself. 'Cause I just was sitting there, mesmerized, like I hadn't seen nor heard most of this before and like I needed to hear more. And I really needed to pee (note to self: don't drink a giant cup of cinnamon apple tea and expect to sit for half an hour). Still, I forced myself to hold it for the last 10 minutes because, for some inexplicable reason, I had to finish watching.

In the end, I felt it was good spot. It wasn't boring at all (contrary to Elizabeth Hasselbeck's assessment on The View today...of course she'd rather walk through burning flames than to say anything favorable about Obama). The half hour went by pretty quickly. So, good job Senator. But next time please check the NBA schedule before you decide to buy a big ad block in prime time.


1 comment:

  1. That is very funny about not wanting to watch because of the election overkill, however, until this year/last year, I've never been interested in politics but it's something about Barack that keeps me watching him and like you said, although most of that was already seen, it's just good to see the brother represent.

    And you are funny about the pee break.

    Now you and John McCain have someting in common, fussing at Barack for his 30-minute PBA LOL. I couldn't resist that.



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