Friday, October 19, 2007

High School IS important!

I've been told all my life that education is important, and I always believed it. But I must confess that there are precious few things I learned in high school besides algebra (which I technically learned in junior high) that have had actual application in my real life. In fact, most of what I use daily - reading, basic math and logic, be polite, and don't go outside without your coat in the middle of winter - are things I learned in grammar school.

So what, exactly, was the point of high school besides acting as a stepping stone to college? I've finally figured it out.

I was at IKEA today, and I bought a tall bookcase for my daughter's room. After I got it to the car I realized it was much too long to fit in my trunk. As I pondered how best to get my purchase home, I thought back to my flag corps days. I remembered how we'd pile 5 or 6 girls, each with a 6-foot long flag pole, into a compact car on a daily basis.

And then it hit me - I would have to lay the long furniture-containing box just like the flag poles.

Ha! Success!

The box wasn't quite as easy to get into the car as those narrow flag poles were, but the principle was the same.

And there you have it! After all these years I finally know why high school was relevant. You make life-long friends and you learn how to transport furniture.



  1. Wait! You learned how to be polite in school? Perhaps that's where it all began to go wrong. Go back! Demand that they take their diploma back, and demand that you be able to retake the "Manners" class for free!

    Ha! Ha! You know I love you, gurl!

  2. Yeah, that was back in grammar school. The school of hard knocks taught me my current attitude.



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