Friday, October 19, 2007

Real Women Please Stand Up

When I'm surfing, I sometimes come across some of the most unique things. Most are worth a chuckle or two, but I quickly forget about them. This is definitely different...because I've been laughing about this for the last few hours.

Okay, so I happened upon a Canadian website advertising a product called the P-Mate. What is it? It's a device that supposedly gives females the ability to pee...wait for it...standing up!!!!

Give me a moment. I'm laughing uncontrollably again...

Okay I'm good now.

If you get a chance, you should definitely check out the stories on the humor link of the site.

The obvious comedy of all this aside, I can definitely see why this product would be useful. Any female who's ever had to relieve herself in a filthy, grimy public restroom can see it too. As well as any mother who has found herself in the middle of nowhere when her young daughter, who swore before they left home not five minutes prior that she didn't have to use the bathroom, suddenly declares she can't hold it any longer.

And what about the evolutionary implications? Young girls could develop hand-to-eye coordination as toddlers like their male counterparts.

Haha! First we pee standing up, then we elect a female leader of the free world, then we force men to have periods and give birth to our young!

Okay, maybe not. But still those crafty Canadians might actually be on to something...



  1. Girl, you know that if men began to have periods that ALL research dollars would then be funneled to the Society To Oppose Periods (or S.T.O.P.).

  2. Good. We should get right on that then. Make it so Number One!



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