Sunday, July 27, 2008

That Kinda Info Might Have Been Useful

It's official. I'm old.

My 20-year class reunion is going on this weekend. I was unable to attend, but I hope all who did are enjoying themselves.

I was talking to an "old" friend yesterday, and we got to reminiscing about our high school years. She said she wished she could go back and tell her high school self a few things. She asked me what, if anything, I would go back and tell my teen-aged self.

Hmmm...that's a tough one for me, especially since I firmly believe that every experience I've had to this point has helped make me the person I am today. Besides, I was so hard-headed, I probably wouldn't have listened to me anyway. (Shaddap Torrie!) Anyway, there are a few concepts I might try to impart to a younger me:

  • Do you! You will never please everybody, so don't even try. Be authentic to yourself, and let the chips fall where they may.
  • Live in the moment. Don't worry about what happened yesterday; it's over. Don't concern yourself with tomorrow; you can't control it.
  • Your thighs are fine. Everyone is not meant to be a size 3; being a size 7 does not make you fat. And even if it did, so what! There are worse things to be in this world.
  • You can't control everything. There are times in life to stand your ground and times you have to be flexible. Learn the difference.

That's all I've got. It's not much, but it might have made a difference. If you could go back and talk to yourself as a teenager, what would you say?



  1. Wait, did I read that correctly? Did you write, "I was so hard-headed", like in the past tense? Woman, your head is STILL made of granite!

    What would I say to my teenage-self? Take pictures of your ass - lots of pictures! 'Cause it ain't ever going to look like that again! And don't get married at 19. 'Cause you need to spend a few years building your self-esteem instead of marrying the first Neanderthal who comes along.

    Oh, and take lots of pictures of your ass.

  2. Too Funny. Love your list. And, BTW, I am right there with you on the old. Although, sometimes I feel 20 and other times, I feel my age. You just never know.

  3. Great list. Check my blog. I'm leaving you something! ;-)



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