Thursday, August 21, 2008


So I'm trying hard not to rely so much on my camera's full auto mode. It's not as easy for me as it sounds. But, I'm getting there. Yesterday, I decided to practice my own "sport" while my daughter was at football practice. (I try not to pay too much attention to what's happening on the field because I get a little too into it, but 2 hours is an excruciatingly long time to be nonchalant.) What you see below are a couple of shots I took. Some were particularly challenging because of the evening shadows being cast across part of the field. Also, I cropped them a little, but that's as far as my Photoshopping went. One of these days, I'll learn how to post-process my digital pics better. Until then, this is what I get. :)

Taking a break
Gotta have some water!
Running off the field
One of the coaches addressing the players after practice
I love this photo...too bad my child isn't in it :)


  1. You did a great job. I love that your daughter is playing football. Good for her. Keep us posted on her accomplishments this year.

  2. hold on a minute did I read it right "while my daughter was at football practice" there is hope for my daughter to not grow up in a male dominated world!! This is awesome!!!



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