Sunday, June 15, 2008

New Header and Bren Boone Designs

Okay, I've been out of commission for a while. Sorry about that. The two other remaining members of my original nuclear family have been having health issues lately and have undergone surgical procedures. And I've been going non-stop since I've been back: I've chaperoned a fourth-grade field trip and two Girl Scout field trips, attended Field Day at my daughter's school, gone to two birthday parties (in one day), and had a new garage door opener installed (Yay Home Depot!). So, I just now got around to changing my blog header. Are we good now Tammy?

This time I used a kit from Bren Boone Designs. It's called "Naturally" and is Bren's June Freebie. Bren is an absolutely fabulous designer I found online last year. Those of you who do digital scrapbook pages should check out her website. It's not often we run across people of color in the scrapbooking industry, so I think it's important to support them whenever possible. And that shouldn't be too hard with Bren. Did I mention her designs are fabulous? LOL And she happens to be a really good photographer also. When I found Bren, she was living in Old El Paso (her husband had been invited to the local fort by his Uncle Sam) but has since moved on. Kinda like me. You know, if I was married or creative or entrepreneurial or anything...

Anyway, thanks for the freebie Bren. I wish you well.


1 comment:

  1. lol! Yeah, we're good now! But we gotta get to the Zone. I'm jonzin' to do some scrappin'!



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