Monday, February 20, 2006

Insomnia and Scrapper's Block

Why, you ask, am I awake at 3 o'clock on a morning that I have to go to work? It's actually quite common. I'm an insomniac by nature, and, frankly, this is the best time to get anything done (laundry, dishes, scrappin'...) without interruption. I sleep fine in the middle of the day. That is, when I can. And I usually can't because I'm either at work or running around doing something else. One day I'll go to the sleep clinic and see what they can do for me. I don't hold out much hope, though. I think it's in my genes. My father is an insomniac. My brother is an insomniac. My brother's children are insomniacs. My child is an insomniac. Of course, she's also a morning person. I am not. She got that from her father. He's a morning person. That's probably why we can't get along. Our circadian rhythms are incompatible.

But I digress. A far greater problem in my life right now is my scrapper's block. Yes, it's true. It's been quite some time since I completed any pages. I haven't done any this year. It's not like I've been idle, though. I've gathered all my supplies from around the house (I had no idea how much I have!), and I've been organizing them slowly. I've also been pouring through the mags getting ideas and sketches for future projects. I've even gotten pictures from a couple of people at work to scrap. But I can't seem to get any actual pages done. I have ideas in my head, but when I sit down to scrap I just can't do it.

Aside from time being a premium these days (and you'd think I would have more now that football season is over), I think my problem may also be mental. My lease was up last month. I'm currently on a month-to-month lease and looking to buy soon. Maybe it's that. I looked at 5 places on Saturday. They were all decent. None were perfect. That's okay, though. As anyone who watches HGTV can tell you, you rarely find a "perfect" home. I'm leaning toward one, though. Maybe if I go ahead and make an offer on it, I'll feel better. Then maybe I can scrap.

And if I get off this computer now, maybe I can squeeze in a few hours of sleep...

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