Monday, March 13, 2006

The Prairie Revisited

I am a bad, bad blogger. It's been a while since I updated, I know. I'll try to do better from now on. I promise.

Look...I promised, didn't I? Get off my back already!

First, I should catch up on the events of the last few weeks. That should provide good reasons why I haven't posted lately.

Hey, I said "reasons" not "excuses". You're really going to have to get over this...GEEZ!

So back we go to the prairie...

When last we left young mean, Ghiana...she had been diagnosed with Scarlet Fever and was taking the antibiotic penicillin. She took it for 10 whole days. On the 9th day, she went back to the doctor's office and was pronounced healthy. She took two more doses and seemed fine. However, two days later the little bumpies started creeping back again, she had developed a fever of 102 degrees, and her eyes were swollen shut in the morning, too. She didn't even look like the same child! (See photo of her after the swelling went down a little) So, back to the doctor's office we went where poor l'il G was poked and prodded again. Diagnosis? The strep infection had never completely gone away. Wonderful. So she was given yet another antibiotic (amoxicillin this time) and sent on her way. It's been four whole days since she took the last dose, and I'm happy to report that the fever and rash have not made a return appearance yet. Now, we just have to deal with the peeling skin...
Aside from all that, the electronics in my life are currently staging an uprising. I'm having problems with my car, my cell phone, the power supply for my computer, my camera, and a television. But that's a blog in and of itself, so I'll save that rant for another day.

I have made an offer on a condo, and I'm hoping it will be accepted. My lease is coming to an end shortly. The place I'm trying to get is much larger and has a basement. Besides, I don't really want to have to hurt my neighbors, but it may become necessary if we don't move soon!

I simply can't wait until the Great Lakes Megameet scrapbook convention, which will be held in May. Two of my co-workers and I signed up to take two classes on the last day. The con isn't held until May, but I'm already looking forward to it.


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